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What I’ve always enjoyed about being a B2B search marketer is the inherent complexity involved in persuading the business buyer. Not only do communications need to speak to multiple stakeholders to the purchase decision, but those stakeholders typically happen to be pretty intelligent people, holding prominent roles in their organizations. Gimmicks definitely will not work here.

So the challenge to B2B search marketers is in determining how to secure multiple buy-ins from a finite and intelligent group, overcome a lengthy consideration process, while mitigating fears over high costs and risks associated with the transaction.

Nobody said this was easy work.

The trick to maintain your sanity, while delivering positive returns on ad spend is to focus on things that are under your control. In B2B search marketing, that means you have to do things a bit differently than in B2C. To succeed, you must:

1)    Recognize that business purchase consideration cycles aren’t always linear
2)    Let micro B2B conversions show the way
3)    Capitalize on navigational search
4)    Draw qualitative conclusions from quantitative data


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Affiliate Marketing is not “as easy as 1,2,3″. But I guess you know that by now. It needs constant efforts and taking advantage of all the opportunities in order to succeed in a significant manner.

You may have already done some of the things we will talk about here or not; the important thing is to try to use these resources for your benefit in 2011. They can bring you a lot of business:

  1. Customize your shopping template – build up trust for your visitors by personalizing your shopping cart in order to have the look’n'feel of your website. This will reduce the shopping cart abandons and will increase your visitor-to-customer conversion rate.
    As an Avangate affiliate, you can easily customize your template from the special section in the admin interface.
  2. Use automatic tools to populate your site – this is especially important if you have large volumes of information on your website (you have a download portal, a coupon website etc.). Most of the affiliate networks provide data feeds with all product details you need in various formats that you can easily import on your website. This way, you can be sure the information is constantly updated with the latest changes.
    Here at Avangate you can also create custom XML data feeds according to your requirements by using filters to narrow the results (e.g. create a data feed with the discount coupons offered by our software vendors).
  3. Create and use discount coupons – convince your customers to buy from you by throwing in an incentive in form of a discount coupon. But don’t think that if you’ve done this, all the customers will flock to your website – you also have to bring some unique value along with that coupon (e.g. a product comparison sheet, a review etc.)
    You can generate discount coupons yourself or you can use the ones supplied by the vendors if you’re a member of the Avangate Affiliate Network.
  4. Promote your business via social media – Facebook and Twitter are a must. Promote your deals via social media channels and see the feedback you get from the market. Reach out to millions with a simple tweet / post and create a community around your website. Tell your audience about special deals you have on your website (exclusive bundles, promotions) or about new published reviews.
  5. Take part in affiliate events – this is the best chance you get for creating new business opportunities with vendors across the globe. Nothing compares to a face-to-face meeting where you can discuss about new partnerships and arrange future deals.  Affiliate Summit and A4U Expo are two major events in the affiliate industry that are worth going to.
As a bonus, if you’re an Avangate affiliate, just take a consultation with our Affiliate Doctor – he can offer a few pointers to you for optimizing your affiliate business. Use the live chat feature from the Avangate Control Panel for Affiliates.

So, to wrap this up, first of all be sure your website is attractive to visitors and generates sales; after that, you can go ahead and find new opportunities for it. And don’t forget to constantly test and improve your business.


In this article we mention 7 tips for your success. That’s not to say these are the only ones, nor will every successful person use all these. But using these tips will help you succeed.

1- Set Goals A set of goals or goal in writing enables you to have a purpose each day to work toward. Without a goal you may feel you have no purpose. You may have short term goals to achieve each day as well as long term (1 or more years). We are all individuals so we all have different goals. With goals you have something to aim for. Once you have developed a goal, keep negative thoughts like failure, fear, anger and envy from your mind.

2- Willing to Learn You must keep an open mind each day to new ideas, as the world is forever changing. What worked yesterday may not always work today, or maybe not the best way today. View your mistakes as opportunities rather than something to avoid at all cost. Willing to learn new things will make your business and life run better.

3- Perseverance and Patience So often the race is lost because it’s not finished. Success is often just around the next corner or over the next hill. So often it’s lost on the one yard line. In success you must persevere. You can’t fail if you don’t quit.

4- A Plan What specific actions or tasks will carry out your strategy or strategies? Create a sequence of actions and corresponding time-frame. Take time to do some initial planning, using your daily, monthly, and quarterly goals as a guide. Without a plan, you dreams will remain your dreams, and not your reality. But at the same time, do not wait for things to be perfect. Just start!

5- Responsible When you fail, you admit it and move on. You get back up and do it right the next time. Don’t beat yourself up. Instead realize that we learn from every mistake we make, and every obstacle in our path serves to make us stronger and better. You let your actions speak louder than your words. You accept responsibility for your actions and learn from them . No excuses, just results.

6- Vision to See If you can see the success of your goals and dreams months or years before you live them, it will help motivate you. The ability to look ahead, see the future, imagine the good that can and will come from your hard work will motivate you.

7- Friends for Success Everyone who achieves much success does it with the help of countless others. People become successful because they help other people, and people like them.

Associate with people who will encourage you. Acknowledge that for every step backward, there is one or more forward steps that bring you closer to your goals.

"Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs though checkered by failure, then to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the grey twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."
To Be Success: Join The

Accounting software is a must-have productivity tool for small businesses. It allows small businesses to keep a detailed account of its finances and produce reports for planning purposes. There are different accounting software in the market today, and it can take some time and resources in order to setup it up and learn how to use it.

As a small business owner, you need to ensure that you pick the right software for your business. Below are some questions to ask before you buy an accounting software.

What are your Business needs?

First of all, you must choose that a small business accounting software that matches the unique needs of your business. Software packages may include different modules/features such as billing, sales, inventory, tax, and payroll. These extra features will allow you to spend less time you spend doing accounting tasks. However, software vendors may charge extra for advanced features so you have to make sure what your needs are beforehand to avoid overspending.

Is it User-Friendly?

Another thing to note is that most advanced software and modules require advanced knowledge in accounting in order to be utilized effectively. A user-friendly system is ideal for most small businesses who do not have the resources nor the training to operate a full-pledged accounting system. Single-entry accounting systems or simple bookkeeping systems are easy to learn and operate; contrast that to some double-entry systems that require users to have an advanced understanding of accounting principles and practices in order to be effective.

Ask yourself if you or any of your staff have the knowledge or the inclination to learn advanced accounting principles. Otherwise, then you might be better off using a simple bookkeeping software and leave the complicated stuff to your accountant.

What will it cost me?

Accounting systems come in different price points and pricing schemes: some only require one up-front payment while others may charge recurring fees. You should adjust accordingly when comparing the costs of products.

Cost is a major concern for most business owners but it shouldn't be the most important factor in your decision. If you have a tight budget, then look for an accounting software package that can be upgraded as you grow your business. This allows you to lessen your initial investment in an accounting software while potentially saving you time and money in the future since you just have to upgrade your software instead of migrating to a whole new system as your business scales up.

Is the Software well Supported?

The support given to an accounting software can make or break your experience with it. Check the software manufacturer's website if they publish well-documented product manuals, tips & troubleshooting articles. Some companies may also maintain a community site wherein users can network with each other and discuss the software product.

Most companies may also offer product support (through phone, email, or web chat) for a fee. Also check if the company releases software updates periodically to keep up with changes in technology, business and tax laws, and accounting practices.

Jerry Grant writes about small business and finance topics, offering advice for both newbie and advanced business owners. For small business owners interested in an accounting software in Australia, he recommends Accomplish Cashmanager.

Imagine showing up to work each day truly happy that you are there…getting energy from your colleagues, having fun in meetings, feeling like what you do counts.  It’s possible.  You can be happy at work and it doesn’t take much money, effort, or time – you just have to spark your small business creativity!

The creative genius is that part of each and every one of us who is stimulated – full of excitement, energy and ideas…the part of each of us that has a possibilities-oriented, “can-do” attitude and way of being that communicates to the world around us that anything is possible.  Follow these simple steps and you will find more happiness in your work:

  • During the workday, ask yourself, “How might I make what I’m doing more fun?”  Is there a favorite colleague of yours that might take a few minutes to brainstorm some ideas around a task you are working on?  Or maybe getting yourself out from behind your desk and into a different environment will give you the energy you need to spark your creative genius? A little music to lift the mood?
  • Take a positive approach.  Think about and focus on the aspects of what you are doing that attracted you to this job in the first place.  How might you do more of that?  How might you get back to the reasons why you picked your career, your place of employment, etc.?  Write these down, take a look at this list and see how you feel.
  • Ask yourself – what is it that I really want from my work life?  Is this meeting my needs?  Is this the right environment?  Giving yourself permission to do some light exploration will empower you to make the best decisions for you, give you hope, and open yourself up to the possibilities.
Want your employees to stay?  Making sure the right creative conditions are in place to keep employees loyal to you and your organization while at the same time helping them be productive, think big and come up with bold ideas to satisfy your customers.  As a leader, here are some simple things you can do today to add to people’s job satisfaction and create the workplace conditions that make employees want to stay and be engaged:

  • Catch them doing something right and let them know about it.
  • Encourage employees to express themselves creatively.
  • Trust your employees – give them the space and freedom to get the job done.
  • Walk the talk – behave in the way that models how you want others to behave.
  • Take an appreciative approach – focus on what is working, what is good and how to do more of that.
  • Always seek first to understand.
  • Celebrate – find ways to celebrate the good things that are going on with your employees.
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Last week I interviewed eleven of the world’s top web traffic experts to show you exactly how to flood your site with qualified prospects so you can make more money this year.

In case you missed one or more of the calls, you can still get access to the ten mp3s of the calls, transcripts and the exclusive Unlimited Web Traffic Guide and save yourself $100…

… if you sign up today.

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The price goes up by $100 in the next 48 hours, so if you have any interest in getting more web traffic …

… use the link above, scroll to the bottom of the page and get these amazingly powerful web traffic and profit generating secrets.

Let’s face it.

At some point you’re going to want to get access to the traffic generating secrets of these top web traffic experts and you can either claim your copy now, or you can wait and pay more later this week.

Today the price for VIP Access is still $97. On Wednesday it goes up to $197.

Which is it?

Wait a few days and pay $100 more or take action right now and save yourself $100?

When you do, you’ll get instant access to the mp3s and transcripts from each interview with:

Web Traffic Expert #1 – Perry Marshall
How to Use Google AdWords To Generate Massive Targeted Traffic 24/7/365 – Even If You Don’t Know The First Thing About Search Engine Optimization

Web Traffic Expert #2 – Greg Shuey
The Amazing-Simple Blueprint To Getting Top Rankings In Google That Drive Traffic and Profits To Your Site Every Day While You Sleep

Web Traffic Expert #3 – Stoney deGeyter
How To Flood Your Site With Free Traffic Even If You Never Get Near Page One Of The Search Engines

Web Traffic Expert #4 – Eric Ward
The Link Factor: How You Can Get Others To Provide You With All The Free Traffic You Want Without Having To Touch Your Website

Web Traffic Expert #5 – Shari Thurow
Traffic Secrets Most SEO Firms Don’t Want You To Know

Web Traffic Expert #6 – M.J. Taylor
Incredibly Simple Tweaks You Can Do To Your Website That Bring In All The Traffic You Can Handle

Web Traffic Expert #7 – Ian Lurie
Real-Time Search: The Foolproof,  Five Minute System For Getting Instant Traffic and Buyers To Your Site For Free

Web Traffic Expert #8 – Mary Bowling & Mike Belasco
How To Save Up To $9,200 On Yellow Page Ads And Get A Constant Stream Of Customers With Google Local

Web Traffic Expert #9 – Shelley Ellis
The Most Powerful Ways To Slash Your Advertising Costs and Boost Your ROI With Google’s Content Network

Web Traffic Expert #10 – Dave Davies
Magic Words You Can Use Immediately To Dominate The Search Engines and Gather All The Traffic You Ever Want

And as an extra bonus I’m including my 120-page-plus, step-by-step exclusive Guide to Unlimited Web Traffic.


They say nothing in life is free. And while that may hold true for jewelry, cars and houses, it certainly doesn’t apply to website traffic! The beauty of the internet, lies in the fact that…

the more your link is visible, the more traffic will be directed to your site.

Most of these recommendations work the same way – once you sign up, you get acquaintances and people who visit your site to sign up. The more people that sign up from your ad, the more people your ad is distributed to.

It’s really as simple as it sounds and if you’re willing to put in some work to recruit worthy prospects you’ll be pleased with the results.


One of the largest article sites, ArticlesBase allows users to submit and use articles at their leisure. Pay close attention to the keywords you use and be sure to use SEO each article so you get good results.


Message boards are a great way to get involved in a discussion while also leaving your imprint. Strike up a conversation and be sure to put your business name or website as your signature. Big Boards is one of the largest message boards out there with topics for almost anything you can think of. From Brazilian board games to SEO to…well you get the picture. Get involved and get feedback!

EZine Articles

If you’ve ever scoured an article database, you’ve seen the breadth of articles and topics they tend to host. Plant your article there and set up a google alert notify you when someone uses your article. Be sure to always include your link and business information at the bottom to ensure you get the backlink and traffic!


Whether you’re using a fan page or a personal page, Facebook is a great place to post links. Get free traffic while you’re catching up with old friends or working on your social media marketing skills.

Free Traffic Tip

This blog, run by a traffic guru provides consultative services for a fee. Also, though she posts free how-to manuals on everything from getting more traffic from Google, to utilizing your social media pages to direct traffic towards your website.

Free Traffic Works

What’s essentially a big message board, Free Traffic Works relies on user postings and ratings to generate a forum for users to get true reviews of free traffic products. It also works the same way as other free traffic sites to reward you with hits when you put in work advertising your affiliate link.


For your first month of membership, you’re allowed unlimited site views. After that, you earn mailing credits when you surf, which allow you to send e-mail ads to random member of the program. It pays off though, as they get rewarded for checking your email out.


This site works much like the others – get others to sign up and you increase the chances of your free ad getting more views. However, Sweeva gives you a free widget to post to draw more attention to your activity. Also, people can comment on your site so you can see what other people think and make changes based on suggestions.

Traffic Digger

Much in the same way as a few previously mentioned traffic generating websites, traffic digger is a free way to gain new hits. The more people you get to view your ad and sign up through you translates directly to more traffic for your own website.

Traffic Swarm

A membership count of over 400,000 means something. TrafficSwarm has build a great base of customers for their free service with offering goodies that most other free traffic providers don’t – free text box and credits for every site visited.

Traffic Wave

All successful marketers use a autoresponder to keep track of free traffic exchanges. Traffic Wave has been around since 2001 and at $17.95/ month, is cheaper than most other autoresponders. This full range website also manages multiple email lists, collects data, and tracks click-throughs.

Traffic Whirl

The concept is pretty simple – when you sign up, 7 ads are shown to you. When someone clicks on the ad from your site, your ad is placed in the number 1 spot and the other ads move down to spots 2-7. Once that person signs up, their ad is shown as number 1, your ad moves to the second spot and so on… So, if you 10 people enroll from you, your ad is already on ten new sites. And if ten people enroll from those (10×10) your ad is now visible on 100 new sites.


If you’re not already on Twitter, you should join immediately. If you are on Twitter and haven’t utilized it to share your links with followers, shame on you. Use link shortening websites like to direct followers to your blog, website and elsewhere.

Yahoo Answers

Getting involved in Yahoo answers does double duty – you get to share your expertise with curious minds and promote your brand! Be sure not to be too self-promotiona, but you can always throw in your link in your signature or end your answer with “For more answers to questions like this check out my blog at ….” to make sure readers know where to find you.

Bytrade, a fastest growing B2B trade portal, opens before you a world of business opportunities to help you out!

Come and get a FREE account (Won’t be free for long!) and find yourself a parade of international buyers!

This isWhat I want to teach you in this article are the Top 4 key steps you need to transform your current business, online and offline, easier and without failing with the average network marketing advice
1.) Be different.The concepts that your up-line are teaching you may not help you achieve the goals you desire.
2.) Automate your recruiting:By recruiting online, you have access to millions of talent people that are looking to build a home based business. Imagine if you had a way to generate 30 leads per day, sponsor 14 reps in one week and THEN TEACH YOUR TEAM EXACTLY how to do the same that's what I call DUPLICATION.

3.) Learn to market your corporation ONLINE. If you do not use the interet, you will never be able to recruit as much as the 7 figrue income earners. Why? Well, lets be clear here, how many new people can youfind in your area to talk to on a week to week basis? 2 maybe 2 new people at the most? The best network marketers have learned to use the internet to generate hundreds of leads.

There are over 15 million people EACH AND EVERYDAY searching the internet on how to build a home-base-organization.

4.) develope your phone skills. It is great to generate hundreds of leads online but don't expect to hide behind your computer all the time. It is important to learn the skills to reach out to yourtop sponsors , qualified leads and sponsor them into your corporation personally. A personal phone call will help build trust in you and your organization and you are more likely to enroll your leads by phoning them rather than "emailing them" or "shooting" out messages to your list. One you have internet marketing plan in place, calling your final
products will 90% of the time do the trick!

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your nw blog post. Click here and start typing, or drag in elements from the top bar.
Whether you plan to set up a trade show display or just send a representative, picking what conventions to attend is never easy. These tips will help you determine whether you're wasting your time with a trade show booth, or whether the event could be well worth it. 

Setting up a trade show display is more costly than sending some of your staff to scope out the event, but in a down economy all excessive costs are to be avoided. At the same time, missing out on an opportunity to showcase your company could mean thousands of lost sales. The solution is to pinpoint the most fruitful events, both for displaying your own trade show booth and for visiting others. There are many ways to determine good
opportunities, but making the final call isn't always easy. These tips will help your company determine when it's best to set up your banner stands, when it's best to send representatives, and when it's best to just sit it out.
Look Beyond Your Trade Press
Companies will often look to their magazines or newspapers for guidance about upcoming events. This is a great way to get an overview, as high-profile events will be listed in prominent magazines. Although it's a strong way to learn about new conventions, a magazine will rarely provide the kind of in-depth knowledge that you will need to determine whether bringing a trade show booth would benefit your company. Avoid making a decision to attend simply because a new event is listed in a trade publication. If the event is within easy driving distance, consider taking a look at it, but don't commit to a full-scale
trade show display without learning more.
Don't Hesitate To Call The Organizers
The typical convention advertisement will list an information number. Call it, and you'll be able to talk to people who are knowledgeable about the event itself (or if they are not, you'll quickly know that the event isn't for you.) Your first step when considering attendance at a new show is to call and get any information you immediately want to know. For instance, how many people are expected to attend? Are tickets available on a restricted basis, or can anyone go? Must people pay for entry? All of these will impact the population at the event, and thus impact how many visitors your trade show booth will receive.
Give It A Google
Before you sign up to attend or present banner stands at an event, Google the event itself and the organizing people or groups. The internet is a great way for people who feel strongly about an event to discuss their likes and dislikes in a public space, allowing people like you to read honest reviews without having attended yourself. Googling is totally free, takes only a few minutes, and is surprisingly informative. 
Don't Jump In With Banner Stands… Usually
You should rarely decide to bring your banner stands to a new convention without having scouted it in person the year before. Generally speaking, a new event is largely untested, and may not have a strong return yet. If your company is looking to be particularly thrifty with its travel expenses, shipping your trade show display and flying everyone out for an unknown event is probably not warranted. 
On the other hand, there will occasionally be a situation that requires you to throw this rule out the window and attend. It might be a new event put on by your
industry's biggest regulating body. It might be something organized by one of the major industry players. When something of that magnitude comes up, you shouldn't say no. When in doubt, try these tricks , and reap the benefits that they will provide in frugality and return on investment.  

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Sales people who are required to sell their
products or services through the Consultative Selling approach must be competent in the following areas:

- Cold Calling
- Researching the Client
- Fixing Appointments
- Conducting Effective Meetings
- Analyzing Needs (Asking Questions, Paraphrasing, Probing, etc.)
- Getting the client to voice the Problem, and then the Solution
- Presenting the Solution (or Product Demonstration)
- Following Up
- Negotiating and Closing

Now, if you ask most beginner sales people to list their strengths from the above, most will write ‘Cold Calling’ at the bottom. The interesting question here is ‘Why do most sales people not like Cold Calling’? And yet, ‘how come there are those few who seem to enjoy doing it?’

In our experience we find that one of the key reasons here is Self-imposed, Self-limiting, ‘Fears’. Some examples of fears in the minds of sales people I have met and conversed with are:

- I personally don’t like the idea of cold calling
- I don’t want to push the client
- I don’t want to be rejected
- I don’t want to be a bother
- I don’t want to say the wrong thing
- I don’t want to mess up
- The client seems to know it all
- I don’t think I’m capable of this, etc.

Many times in my career, while operating as the
Business Development Head, I would feel the need to consult, coach, train and develop the younger members of my sales team to overcome these personal blocks. Interestingly, offering a lucrative ‘incentive’ or adopting a ‘hire and fire’ policy or sending them to an expensive ‘training program’ never completely solved the problem (as many of us would have realized over the years). What was really required was a deeper ‘inner’ work. It would all begin with trying to find out what exactly is the fear/s that holds the sales person back from reaching his/her full potential. And, then systematically dissolving those blocks through a series of ‘thought-through’ actions!

For example, breaking the Sales Cycle into many smaller achievable Milestones! By doing so, you allow the sales person to experience many more, and more frequent ‘Wins’. Experiencing Wins, works like magic. Ask any sales person and s/he will vouch on its magic.

Similarly in Cold Calling! If you are able to limit the expected outcome from a Cold call, to manageable levels, you may actually start enjoying the process. Eg. Asking the gatekeeper, ‘Hi, I’m here to find out who is in charge of the xyz department. I would like to take an appointment’. ‘Which number should I dial?’

A sales person I knew would make cold calls hoping to get to the decision makers right away. Of course, he had a huge failure rate. Common sense tells us that from amongst many reasons, some of the ‘frustrations’ that the sales guy was bound to face were:

- Mr xyz is busy at the moment
- Mr xyz is not in town
- Leave a message/ write an email
- Call up the board line and seek appointment

Obvious as this may be; I’m amazed to find that some sales people actually do not realize the futility of their actions until the time they are ‘Coached’ about it. And, then it becomes a big ‘aha’ for them. Suddenly, we have a more ‘aware’ sales person.

A word of caution:
Some may continue to make futile cold calls as they have to fill in a ‘Daily Sales Report’ at the end of the day and justify to their
Sales Managers how ‘hard’ they have been working. Let me assure you - no amount of ‘Skills’ based training will help or change the individual here. If you find your company to be in this unfortunate situation, its time to visit the doctor! I of course, am referring to a Sales Consultant. A huge amount of ‘inner’ work is required in this situation and a re-look at the existing Sales Processes (including the Recruitment Processes).

(For those who want to learn more about overcoming Fear, you may want to also read about scientific techniques such as ‘Affirmations’, ‘Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)’, etc. Assigning a Sales Coach is another very good option)

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